All of you have been offering such helpful advice and asking for new features, and we’re happy to announce the launch of the updated Squegg app for iOS and Android.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to introduce a better user experience and better tracking features.
Squegg is a product that has been designed to be fun, convenient, and engaging. It’s compact and user-friendly. The app is an integral part of the Squegg experience. And hence, it was of prime importance that we get the app updated and ready to go!
Now, you can enjoy a fresher UI, a smoother login experience via Google and Facebook, and a better plug-and-play experience between Squegg and the app via Bluetooth and more!

Some of the features that we’ve added to this update are:
Updated to a new user interface: Now get a fresher, cleaner, and more user-friendly interface.
Left/right-hand tracking for Grip strength evaluation: You now have a choice to choose your left or right hand on the app
Additional details on the blood pressure game: A Blood pressure Regulation Exercise with in-app guidance. It is highly recommended by The American Health Association for a healthy heart.
3 new games: Now you can enjoy 3 new games on your app! The Hot Dog Maker, Whack an egg & Balloon blaster are fun experiences that are more intuitive, fun and give your hand a good workout while you play along!
Now, Tracking your progress is easier with a more concise dashboard for your exercise data.
In Isometric exercises, now you can add several rounds for isometric exercise for a better workout
To make your app experience even more refined
we’ve decided to do away with features and functionality that were having technical issues. Sumo and Poolside Fun games have been removed from the games list due to their stability issues. We’re also rebuilding the Friends feature to be more reliable and useful and hence, the data of old friends will not be getting imported. In any case, we apologize for the inconvenience.
In the meanwhile, you can enjoy the new app and all its exciting features! With a smoother interface and fun user experience along with new games and a host of entertaining additions, this version of the Squegg app is the best and finest yet!
To reap all the benefits and get the best out of your Squegg, go to the Play Store/ App store (as is applicable) and download the update now!
We hope that you get a better experience from this update. We look forward to your feedback as we look to improve the Squegg experience.
Happy Squegging!