How does Artificial Intelligence help rehab care therapists improve their therapy?

How does Artificial Intelligence help rehab care therapists improve their therapy?

As a rehab care therapist, you intend to provide superior therapy & experience to your patients. That is great!.

But once they get back home, how do you get to know whether they are following the training practices correctly? 

The simple answer is you don’t. If your patient does not follow your training in the right way, he won’t get the optimum result. In this case, you may feel that the particular rehabilitative program isn’t working for him and implement another one. That might not be the right way!

However, Modern technology like Artificial Intelligence can help to resolve the concern. The AI technology  is a new addition to the rehabilitative care field, including Physical, Occupational, and Hand therapy. With AI-integrated devices, you can track every movement and gesture of your patient. Therefore, you get a concise report on how they perform the recommended training program and measure the real-time improvements.

In the medical field, the application of artificial intelligence is huge. This technology, along with Virtual reality, Augmented reality, and Gamification, makes rehabilitative therapy more effective and efficient.

Hope the advanced features of AI devices increase your interest and you want to know more about them!

To quench the thirst of your interest, we have developed this article.

Read till the end & make your treatment super effective with artificial intelligence!

Why has artificial intelligence become very popular?

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Yes, this article is worth reading and worth your time. This article is going to help you develop a new strategy for your rehab care program.

So, be with us!

Artificial intelligence covers nearly every industry. The Healthcare field also leverages its full potential. Even now, AI-based devices have become an inevitable part of the medical rehab care industry.

Do you know why?

It is because AI-based devices can accept altering requirements and learn from experiences.

Wireless devices are the application of Artificial Intelligence. When patients wear these devices, they gather data from their movements; the data retrieved by these devices is very helpful for therapists in making the most appropriate choices of exercise.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence, along with robotics, brings revolutionary changes to rehabilitation practice. They can be used to help patients recuperate after injury and illness and fill the gaps caused due to sensory, cognitive or motor impairments. So, you can use AI and robotics to reform patients’ functional abilities and improve their overall well-being.

Now let’s see its applications.

Intelligent Mobile & Wearable Devices

  • Intelligent mobile and wearable devices are the interesting applications of AI. They help to collect health-related and contextual data during rehabilitation. Companies like Apple, Nike, and Fitbit have launched wearable devices, and they collect physiological, behavioral, and environmental data through the ambient sensor.

    You can prescribe these devices to your patients to track their movement gestures and optimize your therapy accordingly. A most common application of wearable technology is a smartwatch. It works through physical contact with patients for an extended period.

Fall detection System (FDS)

The fall detection system or FDS is another important application of AI in rehabilitation care. It detects falls and automatically alerts medical staff and family members whose names are being enlisted.

Now experts embed fall detection algorithms in the smartphone app and smartwatches to track and check the movements of simulated patients.

FDS is helpful for your elderly and injured patients. You can recommend FDS devices to your patients to ensure their safety and prevention. FDS technology reads the behavioral patterns and characteristics of your patients over time, reduces the risk of fall, and even alerts them to environmental risk factors like stairwells.  

AI-based motion tracker

  • AI-based motion trackers are especially helpful if you’re a physiotherapist or occupational therapist.

    Therapists use this wireless motion tracker to track and collect patient movement data. They attach this tracker to the patient’s body and collect data on where his limb is in space during movements.

    You can get real-time feedback using it and guide patients to adjust their movement patterns.

AI-based Robot

The combinations of AI and robotics have a huge demand in hand therapy. AI-based robots have become very popular in upper extremity rehab care, including arms, hands, and wrists).

AI-based robots can give you important information in a very smart way. AI takes movement data through physical contact, then the necessary inputs sensed by a robot, and thereby retrieves information in front of you.

All this subtle information helps you personalize your hand therapy according to the patient’s behavioral progress.

On the other hand, AI-based robots offer physical assistance functions such as lifting heavy objects, opening the door, and unled the stubborn container to patients with hand injuries. You can recommend it to your patient for therapeutic assistance as well.


Artificial intelligence has a huge application in hand therapy, and commercial companies worldwide use this technology to launch assistive products to ameliorate therapeutic challenges and increase patient compliance.

If you’re a hand therapist, then good news is for you!

Squegg has launched the smart digital grip strengthener that not only measures and tracks grip counts but also makes the hand training engaging with Gamification.

However, we are also exploring AI technology to add further value to the therapists and the patients.

Make your hand rehabilitation effective with the Squegg hand gripper!

This sophisticated device makes your job easy.


  • It tracks the patient’s grip count,
  • evaluate grip strength,
  • share stats feature
  • increase patient participation and compliances.

Include the Squegg device in your upper limb care program, and let your patients experience a promising result!

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